
        > Ethical

        Charter of Ethics

        TaeYoung Smart Technology is doing its best for fair and transparent management under the management philosophy of creating the best products and services based on talent and technology to achieve the best customer satisfaction, further contribute to the development of individuals and communities and human society.
        Furthermore, in order to comply with law and ethics and fulfill the company's original role and social responsibility, we intend to enact an ethics charter as follows and use it as a standard for correct behavior and value judgment that all executives and employees of the company must comply with.
        • Fulfillment of social responsibility
          Respecting the basic values required by society, comply with various laws, and contribute to the development of the national economy and society.
        • Pursuing a trusted company
          Protecting the honor of the company and achieve a trusted company through fair job performance based on morality and honesty.
        • Respect for human beings. Management
          Respecting the dignity and values of each employee and implement fair personnel and welfare.
        • Creating values for customers
          Creating and providing new values that customers need from a customer's point of view.
        • Maximize shareholder profits
          Contributing shareholder profits by maximizing corporate value through cost reduction and productivity improvement.

        Ethical Regulations

        • Chapter 1. General Policy

          This ethical regulation (hereinafter referred to as the "regulation") is to provide the right standards for determining the behavior and value of all employees to create a fair and transparent ethical culture, and all employees must properly understand and comply with the ethical regulations.
        • Chapter 2. Basic Ethics of Executives and Employees

          Follow the relevant laws and regulations thoroughly and perform their duties fairly according to transparent and objective standards.
        • Chapter 3. Ethics toward customers

          Put customer satisfaction first.
        • Chapter 4. Ethics toward competitors and traders

          Respect the market economy order in accordance with the principle of free competition, and pursue fair competition in good faith based on mutual respect with competitors.
        • Chapter 5. Ethics toward shareholders and investors

          Stable protection of Stable protection of shareholders and investors' interests.
        • Chapter 6. Ethics toward executives and employees

          Employees and employees respect each other
        • Chapter 7. Ethics toward the State and Society

          The company respects the values of the state and society, complies with relevant laws and fulfills its social roles and responsibilities by developing the company through legitimate and legitimate corporate activities.

        Code of Ethics

        • Chapter 1. General Policy

          This rule is referred to as the Code of conduct (hereinafter referred to as the "Code") of Taeyoung Smart Technology (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").
        • Chapter 2. Fair performance of duties

        • Chapter 3. Prohibition of Acceptance of Unfair Gains, etc.

        • Chapter 4. Prohibition of Improper Solicitation and Bribery

        • Chapter 5. Creating a workplace culture

        • Chapter 6. Permission to report and confirm violations